Frequently Asked Questions (Continuing Education Program)

  • What is the Gateway to Industry Continuing Education Program?

    The Continuing Education Program offers online courses for HVAC/R professionals. It's designed to help journeymen earn Professional Education Units (PEUs) required for maintaining their licenses. The courses are flexible and cover various advanced topics in HVAC/R.

  • Who can benefit from these continuing education courses?

    These courses are ideal for journeymen in HVAC/R who need to earn PEUs to maintain their licenses. It's also beneficial for anyone in the field looking to update their skills and knowledge with the latest industry practices and technologies.

  • What types of courses are offered in the program?

    The program offers a variety of courses, such as HVAC/R Safety, Electric Heat, Gas Heat Components, and Special Refrigeration Components. Each course is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills relevant to the HVAC/R industry. With many more courses available, we will continue to add courses to the catalogue over time.

  • How many PEUs can I earn through these courses?

    Each course offers a specific number of PEUs, which vary depending on the course content and duration. The courses are structured to help professionals meet the minimum PEU requirements for their license renewal.

  • Are the courses entirely online?

    Yes, all courses in the Continuing Education Program are online. This format allows professionals to learn at their convenience without disrupting their work schedules.

  • How long does it take to complete a course?

    The duration of each course varies, but most are designed to be completed within a reasonable timeframe, allowing for self-paced learning. The course length is indicated in the course details for planning purposes.

  • What are the costs of the continuing education courses?

    Course fees vary based on the content and length of each course. Detailed pricing information is available on the program's website or by contacting American Trade School directly.

  • Who teaches the courses in the program?

    Courses are taught by experienced professionals in the HVAC/R field, like Chris Cordia, who have both practical experience and teaching expertise. This ensures high-quality and relevant instruction.

  • Can I take courses at my own pace?

    Yes, the courses are self-paced, allowing learners to progress through the material at a speed that suits their individual learning style and schedule.

  • What technical requirements are needed to access the courses?

    You'll need a computer or tablet with internet access to participate in the courses. The technical requirements are minimal, focusing on ensuring accessibility for all participants.

  • How are the courses structured and delivered?

    The courses include video lectures, interactive content, and quizzes. They are structured in a user-friendly format on the online platform, making it easy for professionals to navigate and engage with the course material.

  • Do these courses count towards license renewal in St. Louis County?

    Yes, these courses are designed to meet the PEU requirements for HVAC/R journeymen in St. Louis County. They provide both Trade and Core PEUs, which are necessary for license renewal.

  • Can I enroll in multiple courses at once?

    Yes, professionals can enroll in multiple courses simultaneously, depending on their learning capacity and time availability.

  • How do I register for a course and start learning?

    Registration can be done easily through the G2Ind website. Simply click Sign In at the top of the page. Under the Sign in button, there is a Create a new account button. Provide the required information and you are set to begin purchasing courses.

  • What support is available to students during their course?

    Students have access to instructor support for any course-related queries via e-mail.

Frequently Asked Questions (HVAC/R Apprentice Training Program)

  • What is the Gateway to Industry Training program?

    Gateway to Industry (G2Ind) is the related instruction for Gateway's apprenticeship program. Offered exclusively to Gateway ACC members, this program is an online training course for HVAC/R apprentices. It's designed by American Trade School to provide a flexible and comprehensive learning experience. Apprentices can complete their training entirely online, making it convenient for those who are working.

  • How is the program structured?

    The program consists of four annual packages, each containing 12 monthly modules. Each module includes 12 hours of online content and 8 hours of practical skills evaluation, totaling 240 hours of training per year. The program covers various aspects of HVAC/R, from basic principles to advanced techniques.

  • What are the costs involved in the program?

    The cost is $3,500 per year, which includes all necessary textbooks. This fee covers access to the online platform, interactive content, and monthly progress reports. There are no additional hidden costs.

  • Is the program entirely online?

    Yes, the entire program is conducted online. It includes video lectures, demonstrations, interactive simulations, and online quizzes. This format allows apprentices to learn from anywhere at any time, as long as they have internet access. The Practical Skills Evaluation is downloadable at the end of each module and will require the sponsor company to evaluate the apprentice's practical application of the Module's material.

  • What kind of support is available to apprentices during the course?

    Apprentices receive regular support through monthly progress reports and instant feedback on quizzes and tests. They also have access to instructors for any questions or additional help.

  • How long does it take to complete the apprenticeship program?

    The program is self-paced, so some apprentices may finish quicker, while others might take a bit longer, depending on their schedule and learning speed. Each annual package must be completed within a year of the start date.

  • Are the textbooks and other materials included in the cost?

    Yes, the required textbook and materials are included in the annual fee. Apprentices will receive digital access to these materials, which are essential for their courses and assignments.

  • Can apprentices work while enrolled in the program?

    Yes, the program is designed to accommodate working individuals. Its flexible, self-paced nature allows apprentices to balance their work and training effectively.

  • How does the program accommodate different learning paces?

    Since it's a self-paced program, apprentices can take more time on challenging topics and move faster through easier sections. This flexibility ensures that each apprentice can learn at a comfortable speed without pressure.

  • What are the technical requirements to participate in the program?

    Participants need a reliable internet connection and a device like a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or even a smartphone. The course materials are accessible on various devices, allowing for versatile learning environments.

  • Is there any hands-on training or simulations in the program?

    The program includes interactive simulations that mimic real-world HVAC/R scenarios, providing practical, hands-on experience. Apprentices will also receive Practical Skills Evaluation documents at the end of every Module that must be completed with their employer's moderation. However, apprentices need to complement this with real-life practice in their work environment.

  • How are apprentices assessed throughout the program?

    Assessment is done through regular quizzes after each video lecture and comprehensive tests at the end of each module. These assessments ensure that apprentices understand and retain the material before moving on. In addition to the online assessments, apprentices will be responsible for completing a Practical Skill Evaluation for every module. These evaluations are done with company moderation to assess the apprentice's skills from the content in the Module. While these are not required to pass the Module, the Practical Skills Evaluation is required for the apprentice to receive the full 20 hours of related instruction for each Module.

  • What qualifications or certifications will apprentices receive upon completion?

    Upon successful completion of a monthly module, apprentices will receive a certificate of completion from American Trade School. This certificate is recognized by the Gateway Apprenticeship program and is worth twelve hours of related instruction.

  • How does the user license agreement work for employers?

    The user license agreement allows employers flexibility. If an apprentice leaves their job, the employer can transfer the remaining course duration and materials to another employee, ensuring that the training investment is not lost. Example: If APPRENTICE A leaves after completing four modules in six months, the employer reserves the right to transfer the remaining eight modules and six months, whichever comes first, to APPRENTICE B (additional book purchase is mandatory).

  • What happens if an apprentice leaves the company during training?

    If an apprentice leaves, the employer can transfer the remaining portion of the course to another employee. This ensures that the investment in the program is not wasted and another employee can benefit from the training already paid for.